Thursday, September 23, 2010


Alright everybody, I am realizing this blog is starting to flatline. Every post I write (which if we keep going at the rate I'm at now, happens about once a month) starts off with the typical "Sorry I haven't updated!" line that you're tired of hearing. The thing is, I work in social services. For those who don't work in social services, this career field tends to drain the essence out of you until you become a grotesque and bitter husk of your former self. Don't get me wrong, I have watched plenty of movies lately, but I just have not had the energy at all to write on this blog. I think I need to set up some type of schedule where I write a least a post a week. Hold me to it everybody, a post a week! Actually, don't hold me to it. At any rate, I have not abandoned this blog. Hopefully once I get used to the madcap hectics of the mental health field, I will write on here at a regular schedul